Place born
Organisation / Person
1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1886-1924, lens manufacturer, Leicester, England

Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Limited

1886 - 1924

1886-1958, photographer, Highland Park, Illinois

Weston, Edward Henry

1886 - 1958

1886-1957, scientist; politician, Anglo-German; British

Lindemann, Frederick Alexander

1886 - 1957

1886-1941, monarch of Spain 1886-1931, Spanish

Alphonso XIII

1886 - 1941

1886-1966, dispensary chemist; druggist, London, England

T T Nicholson Limited

1886 - 1966

1886-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Nottingham Suburban Railway

1886 - 1922

active 1879-1986, pharmacist and surgical instrument makers, English

Brady and Martin Limited

1886 - 1986

Jefferson, Geoffrey

1886 - 1961

Brown, Arthur Whitten

1886 - 1948

Partington, James Riddick

1886 - 1965

Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram

1886 - 1975

1886-1970, engineer, British

Gabbott, Edgar Parr

1886 - 1970

1896-1949, artist; illustrator, British

Carter, Reg

1886 - 1949

1886-1965, chemist; historian of science, British

Partington, James Riddick

1886 - 1965

1886-1947, railway company, India

North Western Railway (India)

1886 - 1947

1886-1997, power generation, electronics, manufacturing and broadcasting conglomerate, United States

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

1886 - 1997

Mather, Loris Emerson

1886 - 1976

1886-1948, air navigator; engineer, Scottish; British, flew across Atlantic in Vickers-Vimy, 1919

Brown, Sir Arthur Whitten

1886 - 1948

inventor, filmmaker

Waller, Fred

1886 - 1954

1886-1899, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Harrow & Stanmore Railway

1886 - 1899

1886-1926, optical instrument and camera manufacturer, Berlin

C P Goerz

1886 - 1926

Westover, George

1886 - 1911

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

1897-1968, engineering and manufacturing: agricultural; marine; civil; and aeronautical, Norwich, Norfolk, England, British

Boulton and Paul Limited

1812 - 1968

1886-1977, physiologist, British

Hill, Archibald Vivian

1886 - 1977

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1886-1971, active 1920s, poster artist, Belgian?

Lacaze, Julien

1886 - 1971

1886-1977, locomotive manufacturer; shipbuilder, Newcastle upon Tyne, England

R & W Hawthorn Leslie and Company Limited

1886 - 1937

1886-1957, sculptor; medallist, German

Thiele, Alfred

1886 - 1957

1886-1967, phrenological society, British

British Phrenological Society

1886 - 1967

1886-1944, photographer, German

Salomon, Erich

1886 - 1944

1886-1939, miner; artist, British

Daykin, Gilbert

1886 - 1939

1886-1953, orthopaedic surgeon, Norwegian

Smith-Peterson, M N

1886 - 1953

1886-1961, industrialist; inventor, American

Crosley, Powel

1886 - 1961

1886 -, scientific instruments supplier, Chicago, United States

C H Stoelting Company


1886-?, pencil manufacturer, London

T.S. Bruce


Hedges, Nick


1886-current (2015), electronic/ mechanical engineering equipment designer/ manufacturer, Berlin

Robert Bosch GmbH


Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd


active 1886-current (2009), Hot drink manufacturer, Burton-on-Trent

Bovril Limited


1886-1974, manufacturer of calculating and office machines, Germany

Walther Büromaschinen GmbH


1886-, publisher, London, England

Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Limited


1921-?, family planning, health and marital advice clinic, London, England, British

The Mother's Clinics of the Society and Clinic for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress